Sunday, February 13, 2011

my super cool friday

my friday evening was spent baking and decorating valentines cookies! it was so much fun! believe it or not, i spent a good three hours icing cookies. what a young, hip way to spend your friday night! right?!
a lovely conversation with lovely Crystal helped make the evening more enjoyable! thanks dear!

my favourite picture!

personalized cookies for Ryan and I!

Earlier in the day, I went to Vintage in the Village on Osborne and found some pretty lovely things! First off: this awsome vintage green suitcase!

I think it will be an awsome wedding-day accessory!

 and a nifty carrying case for all my art school supplies....

 I also found this lime-green modern vase ornament.... I thought it would look super as an accent in a white kitchen!

 and then..... my favourite necklace of all time! an envelope! how cute is this?!?!

it even opens!!! so i can store all my romantic notes from ryan in here (i must not have very many romantic notes.... hehe)

well, thats all for now folks!
i've been addicted to Pinterest lately, so a lot of my 'blogging' time has gone to there! 
for those of you who are not on pinterest, i'll post a bunch of wonderful things shortly.

happy weekending!


    That is AMAZING. I am jealous.
    PLUS, do you ever find that EVERYTHING (all together) at VV is overwhelming? Makes it hard for me to find such lovely things, but your pictures make me wanna go and try again! Still trying to find a large round mirror...

    p.s. vintage suitcase to hold cards from people!?! wherever it ends up, you're right, it will be awesome.

  2. are you maybe thinking of the antique mall on osborne? cause vintage in the village isn't big at all! its small and cute! but the antique mall is HUGE and yes, overwhelming..... and more expensive!
    either way, i'd love to go thrifting with you sometime, yes?!

  3. ooooh I love everything!! I'm heading to California in 2 days and am hoping to do some major thrift shopping over there. P.s. I responded to your comment on my art blog

  4. Sup fresh? Im grow'n some handlebar mustache for your weddin, you excited?
