Saturday, March 19, 2011

impossible project

one of my assignments this semester was called "the impossible project".... quite simply, we had to do/create something impossible! my friend cara, made a little film of her trying to slam revolving doors all around winnipeg (quite humorous). my friend andrew was in a car accident as a baby and has had a limp ever since then, so his project was filming himself trying to walk "normally", he then projected this video overtop of his medical papers from way back then (a more serious project).

I chose to try and give objects a shadow that wasn't that object's shape, without using photoshop or any kind of computer editing. so here are my final pieces:


  1. You did such an amazing job on this one!
    Get that momentum and spirit back! I miss you being excited about art.

  2. This is absolutely brilliant, Richelle! Great work!
