Saturday, March 12, 2011

first shower {ever}

This past Saturday I was the most blessed woman of all time! I had my first ever wedding shower, and I couldn't have asked for anything better!

Let me tell you about it.....
So it was all planned by my wonderful cousin/"sister"/maid of honour Sheralyn and sweet Auntie Yvonne (her mom). It was at my favourite (and I mean favourite) place to eat of all time, Gingerwood Lane in Winkler, MB. It's a really cute tea house that serves fresh homemade lunches and desserts. They have a nice room in the back that is great for things like showers! Who knew?! Anyways, Sheralyn made these lovely invitations and recipe cards to match this adorable recipe book she got me! Everyone that was invited brought their favourite recipe to put into my new book. Such a good, practical idea!

We enjoyed each others company will  having coffee, tea, fruit platters with fruit dip, and all got to indulge in my favourite dessert of all time..... the kit kat square!

Shera also had some awsome games planned.
Like bridal trivia.....
(there were even amazing prizes for the winners like a recipe card box and silicone oven mitts etc)

And The Price Is Right, which was hosted my two of my pretty cousins!
(bonus: I got to keep all the groceries, even though my answers were all wrong, haha)

Lastly, I got to open up gifts. Wow did I ever feel blessed! It is such an overwhelming feeling to be "showered" with so many gifts. It leaves a person feeling very thankful for their family and friends! A big thank you to everyone who was there, it honestly was so very appreciated!

Oh! and then Sheralyn had little 'favours' for everyone as they left; kitchen utensils with a little note attached! What a dear!

Needless so say, everyone was so impressed by Shera! She is the greatest! I heard many of these comments:
"That Sheralyn is so lovely"
"Wow, Shera, I was so impressed"
"She is so professional and friendly"

I am proud to have her as my very own 'sister'!

Many thanks once again!


  1. That sounds absolutely lovely! How exciting to be showered with gifts and love from those close to you!

  2. awww! RIchelle! I am so happy you were blessed! You deserve it, dear! Looking forward to more wedding-related fun ;) Love you!
