Tuesday, March 22, 2011

yellow therapy

This past weekend, my fiance introduced me to the psychological affects of decorating with the colour yellow. This sparked interest in me and led to a two-hour research stint on the colour. Turns out, yellow is a pretty powerful colour! Being the first colour your eye will notice, it reflects a lot of light into your eye and apparently increases serotonin levels in the brain (if someone is low on serotonin they quickly can become depressed). Creativity and metabolism are also both increased by yellow. But it's not all daisies (get it? daisies are yellow...) Yellow can be overdone and result in feelings of aggression and over stimulation. Babies cry more in bright yellow rooms and people are more easily irritated. 
So yellow.... is it worth it?

Also, I found this lovely inspiration board by Brooklyn Bride! How perfect for this post!

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